Book Reviews - Becoming by Michelle Obama

The Dalai Lama On Humanity

Becoming by Michelle Obama

Peace. I know for the most part that women have been chatting up Becoming by Mrs. Obama. However, after reading the heartfelt autobiography, I can wholeheartedly admit that the book relates to men and fathers just as intently. Michelle not only paints a poignant picture of navigating the obstacles within the urban jungle of Chicago's Southside, but also sheds light on Barack as a dedicated dad, a best friend, and an endearing husband. She enlightens us on his aspirations to educate and bring together the citizens of the Black community dating back to his days as a housing project advocate in Chi-town. And no matter how immense the moment became politically, Barack always resorted to the love for his wife, kids, and pivotal family members such as his beloved mother. Hence the reason why he, Michelle, and the girls vacationed in Hawaii annually to cherish moments with his grandparents after his mother passed. 

Obama even dedicated his first book to his dad, who decidedly chose not to be in Obama's life. Dreams from My Father is another compelling read. Michelle rose up from the inner city to receive two Ivy League degrees and continues to inject women and children around the world with her passion for elevation and community empowerment. What a fantastic story and couple. 

So keep hugging your kids and continue to let them know how much you love them -- even when they fail your expectations -- because when you are gone, they will become the chariots of your legacy. It's also essential for cultivating their young characters. 

Peace and Love!

Kimatni D. Rawlins 

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