Book Reviews - The Power of Positive Thinking

The Dalai Lama On Humanity

The Power of Positive Thinking: A Practical Guide to Mastering the Problems of Everyday Living 

by Norman Vincent Peale

The Power of Positive Thinking is a 1952 self-help book by Norman Vincent Peale. It provides anecdotal "case histories" of positive thinking, and practical instructions which were designed to help the reader achieve a permanent and optimistic attitude. These techniques usually involved affirmations and visualizations. Peale claimed that such techniques would give the reader a higher satisfaction and quality of life. The Power of Positive Thinking was negatively reviewed by scholars and health experts, but was popular and has sold well.

"This book is written with the sole objective of helping the reader achieve a happy, satisfying, and worthwhile life."

Norman Vincent Peale

1) Believe in Yourself

Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. But with sound self-confidence you can succeed. 

In finding faith in yourself it is important to discover why you have these feelings of no power. 

Develop faith in God to eliminate the inferiority complex.

The bigger your problem becomes, the bigger and deeper your prayers should become. 

Lack of self-confidence is one of the great problems besetting people today. 

Always make a list of positivities in your life. 

If God can be for us, who can be against us. 

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. 

2) A Peaceful Mind Generates Power

A mind full of peace helps produce health and well-being. 

Empty the mind to gain a mind full of peace.

Tranquility and serenity are beautiful words.

To have a mind full of peace, fill it full of peace. 

Utilize the technique of practicing daily silence. 

3) How to Have Constant Energy

How we think we feel has a definite effect on how we actually feel physically. By supplying attitudes of faith to the mind it can increase energy. 

God is the source of all energy and energy is the universe, atomic energy, electrical, and spiritual energy. 

The body is designed to produce all needed energy over an amazingly long period of time. If the individual takes reasonable care of his body from the standpoint of proper diet, exercise, sleep, no physical abuse, then it will produce and maintain astonishing energy and sustain itself in good health. 

The natural state of the individual when the body, mind, and spirit work harmoniously is that of continuous necessary energy. 

Emotional self-mastery is the ability to relax completely.

Life means vitality.

Everything in this current time is sped up, so many people are tired. The solution is to get into synchronization with God. 

The surest way to not to become tired is to lose yourself in something in which you have profound conviction. You only lose energy when life becomes dull in your mind. Your mind becomes bored and therefore tired of doing nothing. 

Hate blocks energy and isn’t up to par until hate is eliminated and develops into a friendly feeling. 

One never does wrong by doing right. 

The quantity of vital force required to give the personality relief from either guilt or fear or a combination of each is so great that often only a fraction of energy remains for the discharge of the function of living. 

4) Try Prayer Power

Prayer helps people to tap into forces and to utilize strength not otherwise available. 

Prayer power is a manifestation of energy.

Prayer releases and keeps power flowing freely.

Alert people everywhere are finding that by trying prayer power they feel better, work better, do better, sleep better, and are simply better. 

It is the subconscious that our life is largely governed.

The human brain can send off power by thoughts and prayers. 

5) How to Create Your Own Happiness

You decide whether you shall be happy or unhappy.

Anyone who desires it can be happy.

The happiness habit is developed by simply practicing happy thinking. 

6) Stop Fuming and Fretting

Many people make life unnecessarily difficult for themselves by dissipating power and energy through fuming and fretting. 

A first step is to reduce your pace or at least tempo of pace. A faster pace produces toxic poisons in the body and creates emotional illness. 

It is difficult to get mad laying down.

Turn God into a business partner.

Animosity corrodes the soul, and disorganizes thought processes as well. 

Fear is the most powerful of all thoughts, next to faith. 

Worrying is an unhealthy and destructive mental habit. It is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases. 

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