ON FAMILY & FRIENDSHIP - Happy Born Day Father

Happy Born Day Father

As I sit here --
serenading with the sound of rain thumping against mother’s earth,
I think of the great ole one who conspired with another to offer me birth. 
The one who instilled me with the power of mammals,
the insight of birds,
the spiritualism of fish,
the strategies to influence nations and worlds!
I sit here reflecting of a man who rose from darkness to light --
ghettos to suburbs,
jails to Whites Houses.
A man who taught his kids the underlying truth -- 
of man’s existence and women’s beauty,
of nature’s healing and spirits calling.
From the happiness of small apartments on Girad
to the comfort of rustic houses on Columbia.
Drums beating, songs chanting, kids laughing,
forgetting when times were hard.
What a mesmerizing period -- 
when meals were grown in backyards
and family trips with the sisters were enchanting.
No matter the time nor the struggles, 
and how rigid the world begins to bother,
remember --Randi Payton was -- and always will be a Great Father!

Kimatni D. Rawlins, Poetic Thought, July 5th, 2020

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