ON NATURE & SPIRIT - Adaptive Evolution


Adaptive Evolution

A gazelle sleeps, and a cougar creeps.
A lotus meditates, and a hyena infiltrates.
A cricket sings while a bat swings.
The fascination of the animal kingdom.
From the mighty lion to the amiable owl-
the hunter and the hunted.
The cunning and the outwitted.
Each possesses character traits contingent upon nature,
and adaptive for their environmental conditions.
Akin to the animal kingdom,
man and woman 
are set in a society where instinctual evolution pervades.
Unlike the animal kingdom, 
man and woman retain traits 
for adaptation to change -
in varying settings in order to survive.
Let’s not degenerate, but progress.
Proliferate thought beyond the reptilian brain.

Kimatni D. Rawlins
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