ON WISDOM & LIFE - Humans Will Always Change

Humans Will Always Change

Can it remain constant without deviation from the norm?
Who says one thing and soon alters the course?
Why can’t things remain on track,
like trains crossing the plains of the human aura?
When will our thoughts remain consistent, like the laughter of orca?

Humans fit this unique description of continual change.
It will happen time after time,
So act accordingly when the situation approaches,
appropriating motives and
compelling you to focus intensely like lotuses. 

Why don’t most friendships last,
because humans change.
Why don’t half of all marriages last,
because humans change.
Change is necessary for development.
It can be slow, and it can be quick
yet it cannot be avoided like cracks in the cement.
Change can be as dangerous as a virus,
or bring joy and amusement.

It first transpires through the mind,
then enacted through action.
Let’s use change as a tool for the better,
develop it candidly and consciously,
as if writing the words of a love letter.
Humans will always change.
The sequence cannot be stopped.
Let it flow serenely and without disdain.

Daily, we must proliferate our inner states to stay abreast.

Kimatni D. Rawlins
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