ON WISDOM & LIFE - Sedated Minds

Sedated Minds 

Work all day is our societal model.
Ideological escapes is a daily ambition
while parting the seas and striding over rivers, 
that divide land and stone,
Representing man and his tension 
drawn from overworked muscle, skin, and bones.
Why endure the struggle when the result is futile?
Why persist when there is no end to despair?
What is your reason? 
Time to break through that sedated mind 
and search for overarching solutions to this current time.
Rise up and manifest words that diminish order 
and separate the parts from its sum
to allow guidance from individuation. 
Thoughtfulness is sleeping with the moon, 
speaking to the ocean,
and dancing with the sun.
Wake up that sedated mind.

Kimatni D. Rawlins, 
Thoughts from a Nomadic Journey in Fukuoka, Japan
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