ON WISDOM & LIFE - Survive or Succumb?

Survive or Succumb? 

As I sit pensively gazing at spring’s freshly budded leaves,
blowing whimsically like energetic seeds,
I remind myself of life choices spearheading
into a future of either hope or despair.
To witness my daughters laugh, grow, and prosper, I must survive.
To disrespect and betray, I chose to succumb.
To live in an era of our nation’s first Black President, I have survived.

We must survive to provide nourishment to our descendants
to overcome the complexities of existence.
We cannot succumb since that path is too simplistic
for the skills we’ve generationally obtained.
Animals survive on instinct alone,
with a mind of power and instinctive senses
humans can advance the movement.
A grassroots movement to bypass infamy, sovereignty,
and desire for material things,
things that do not depart when our souls depart -
things that cause the feeble-minded and numb to succumb,
passions that trigger bosses to deceive the operatives that build their fortunes
and succumb to the ills of unethical practices such as
envy, deceit, and racial divide --
disrespect of a brother and sister who only wishes the best.
Yet, darkness turns good men and women into foes,
over politics and self-serving antics.

When will we unite and halt the divide?
Society is torn by unstable economies and a grieving planet from the draining of natural resources.
Torn by gluttonous leadership, power over people, and distortion
of facts and truths.
The egotistical nature of sordid minds
creates inequality and community disproportion.
Let’s not succumb to separation when solidarity is our destination!
Admonish hate and welcome cultural evolution.

Let’s unite and fight for positive change.
We must survive to pass on the flames of our family’s name.
Consent to the eradication of a history riddled with mistrust, wickedness, and disdain.
The “Most High” chose me, chose you, chose us to fulfill the prophecies.
Prophecies that can only be carried by soul rebels who overcome
and prophets that don’t succumb.
Be wise and survive the hardships of these times.
Days are wicked, but many more are fun.
Honor life judiciously and enjoy truth religiously.
What next will you do, survive, or succumb?

Kimatni D. Rawlins,
originally written in 2009, updated 05.14.2020
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