SHORT STORIES - A Conversation With Nature

The Dalai Lama On Humanity

A Conversation with Nature

Experienced by Kimatni D. Rawlins

Welcome to Mother Earth, the calm, the beauty, the intoxicating landscape. I was driving through the mesmeric Pacific Northwest without a destination and randomly came across a majestic trail off the roadway. Next, I stopped, re-shifted my direction, and began to inhale the purity. I required meditation; I needed to feel Earth at its calmest, therefore I ventured into the woodlands to have a conversation with nature. 

The birds were crooning ecstatically, enjoying their natural habitat. Sadly, humans are tearing down their homes to reap the rewards of industrialization. Man is fixated on advanced technology; his thinking is forever fast-moving. Completion has to be “now” -- from what we eat to how we learn -- ultimately indicating that the result will come in a processed and genetically engineered format. Yet, he does not require absolution from those in which he takes. Don't worry; it's all at your disposal right now. Where is patience for life developing and evolving, where is the mindfulness of the planet and its resources? Has he not thought of the repercussions? Of course not. Currency is the endgame.

As I walk the path of fauna in their Kingdom, a myriad of thoughts, concerns, and wishful thinking manifests from my spiritual being. Why is the majority of the world currently in a sad disposition today? Why are people addicted to possessions and emotions: money, fame, fashion, machines? Man is beset in a state of perpetual confusion. What is sacrificed is spirituality, self-awareness, mental freedom, and inspiration from the natural order. These include rising with the sun and becoming organically energized instead of the consumption of fortified pills and powders that inspire life degradation in the long run when life enhancement is the objective.

Our bodies were created for movement. Walking, swimming, biking, stretching, and running, aggregately producing the foundation of physical advancement. We move to stay limber and to create supplementary life-forces. Yet, many are incensed with transitory energy gains from stimulants such as soda, sugar, caffeine, and toxic energy supplements and shots advertised to keep us going for hours. Why not feast on dates or sweet potatoes which deliver the glucose needed for sustainability, as well as fiber and other nutrients. How about drinking liquids of purity? Try water with lemon or grapefruit to increase alkalinity, or a daily cup of organic, herbal, decaf tea. My preferences are dandelion root tea and turmeric/ginger tea. Next, concentrate on eating whole foods from plants, fruits, and whole grains that infuse us with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and more fiber. Seek out sea vegetables like Bok Choy for nutritional superiority. Everyone is addicted to something, consequently let it be foods, habits, and desires that enliven. "I aspire to trek the Inca trail to Machu Picchu," for example.

It's a misnomer, a false reality that the oxygen is so revitalizing here in the Columbia River Gorge national scenic area. If only I can stay eternally since I require this atmospheric engagement every day of my life. I need peace and tranquility. I need to witness creatures scavenging for their food and bushes rustling from the wind. I need that because once I depart this magical place, it's back to the business of polluted air, mass-production of stuff, and fast foods. Yet, I attempt to avoid such obstacles and distractions. I'm merely observing and analyzing, enjoying myself, running miles, swimming deep, and eating fresh, young coconuts. That's who I am. I'm trying to avoid sickness from any of the top 10 degenerative diseases with heart disease being number one. Then there are omnipresent cancers, diabetes, strokes, and hypertension. Living a healthy lifestyle will help create more significant chances of avoiding these illnesses. Accordingly, exercise on most days of the week, eat whole provisions, drink water obsessively, and meditate. You have to change within before reaping the benefits of outer change. And please read daily to strengthen the mind. 

We should aim for positive transformation that invigorates; without it, we are not growing and elevating. Lastly, be kind to others and help them in this quest. Share what you have ascertained for the message of flourishing adaptation to become generational. Until I return with another conversation with nature, remember to stay active, eat clean, and energize your life. Namaste!

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