SHORT STORIES - The Nomadic Warriors: A Divine Creation of Unifiers

The Dalai Lama On Humanity

The Nomadic Warriors: A Divine Creation of Unifiers
Words by Kimatni D. Rawlins

Nomadic is a philosophy, culture, or indigenous lifestyle adopted by outliers that view the Universe with a courageous and adventurous outlook while exploring life with fearless inspiration and keen perception.

It is said that an elite federation of Nomadic Warriors appeared in an earthly state centuries ago to lead a stagnant generation into a period of spiritual awakening, economic growth, and nobility. For advancement, mindfulness, and prosperity, they studied the principles of Buddhism, the Hermetic Philosophies of the Kybalion, and the ancient hieroglyphic scrolls of Kemet (Egypt). Faith was the core of their Ki energy, and supreme mathematics kept the warriors knowledgeable of hidden principles that could only be accessed through self-mastery. These nomads were focused and cognizant of Godly knowledge as the guide to overstanding “the system," which could only be destroyed by full waking consciousness (18 hours) and resting meditation (6 hours).

A Nomadic Warrior was fearless and loving; family loyalty, devotion to the tenets of his/her origin, and positive vibrations dominated the narrative. Also, known as Rebel Souls, they embraced the ways of the Katana for razor-sharp senses and mental sharpening. Muay Thai Boxing was practiced daily to exert controlled power and manifested energy from the core when needed for self-defense purposes. Sustenance for fuel came from seeds of the earth in the form of plants, fruits, grains, nuts, and beans. Alkalinity was a nutritional mantra to maintain self-control, advanced healing, and ultimate strength, endurance, and agility. 

One such Nomadic Warrior was the legendary Kimatni D. Rawlins of African and Asian ancestry. It is said that his father hailed from Lalibela and mother originated from Fukuoka, Japan, where a consummation of exultance took place during an enriching journey to the Highlands. Dubbed Vegan Cyborg during his younger years, Kimatni (Ki-Ma'at-ni) outshined every friend and foe he ever met through plant-based exploits such as defeating animal eaters in arm wrestling! To this day, the "Nutrition and Fitness Technician" remains undefeated in casual competition. Kimatni uses veganism for continuous education on the benefits of an overall healthy lifestyle and awareness of chronic disease causation. The goal is to eat clean, energize life, and stay active. Other outliers from days past may also know of this particular Nomadic Warrior as RS22, the 22nd Rebel Soul who glorifies the palpable melodies of roots reggae lyrics and Dub to flame his passions. 

Although emulation of the art form is welcomed, the Nomadic Warriors continue to Delegate Authority by injecting the philosophies of Reversal Awareness (RA) into the consciousness of the masses. Today, they live across the Globe -- mostly hidden -- while focusing on Self until humans relinquish their heathen ways and lust for materials objects. In time, order will be restored once again, and the land will prosper with magnificence. Soon come! 

As one Nomadic Warrior once stated, “feed them, and they will follow. In due course, a life of righteousness will ensue through liberation, energy, and mindful prosperity!”

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