ON DEATH - Let Us Carrie On

Let Us Carrie On

For some life is short,
for others, the pathways are long.
We all have purpose in store
so Let Us Carrie On.

Every life has meaning
beyond its physical intention. 
Every person has reason
for existing in this dimension. 

Carrie lived, laughed, and loved.
She withstood hurdles and rose above.
She was a mother of three, a sister of five,
an aunt to many, and a friend to all. 

Her goal in life was definitely attained,
To procreate Mark, Havena, and Jermaine -
who will extend the branches of the family tree,
and bring into existence many little ones,
who will become magnificent queens and resilient kings. 

Let’s rejoice and relinquish fear.
Her flesh has come, her flesh has gone,
we will perpetually cherish the memories held so dear. 
Please, Let Us Carrie On.

Your loving nephew Kimatni D. Rawlins, 03.03.1997
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