Surround Yourself With Life Enhancers!

Meet Uthman Ray, my spiritual advisor. Many of my business colleagues have met him at various events and social gatherings. Uthman is 67 years of age and left Baltimore as a young man for a better life with his kids in Santa Barbara, CA. I see him once or twice a year, but each encounter is as if we never left each other's side. 

See, Uthman eats ultra-clean, stays physically active, meditates daily, focuses on mental stimulation, and defeats negativity with kindness. When you surround yourself with people that care about their well-being, then all of your activities will become life-enhancing. Uthman doesn't smoke, drink alcohol, or engage in dangerous activities. When together, I awaken to green smoothies and fresh fruit and praises of the Most High for the day's offerings. Uthman celebrates other's accomplishments and focuses on the "present," not the past or the future. 

As black men, we know how to integrate into today's America without being hypnotized by distractions that slow down the masses. For example, we put on our best attire for the Quail Gathering in Monterey, CA, and upon securing media credentials, the young lady said, You can't be media; media do not dress this divine. "Ha," I said, "not these brothers," and proceeded to shine at the show, knowing that the environment was only a temporary illusion for business purposes.
To evolve in life, cut ties with those that are negating your progression and seek newfangled relationships that bless you with joy, love, and respect! 

One Love! Kimatni D. Rawlins

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