My Story

Welcome to my literary world. Dubbed Kimatni by my father, the meaning derives from the Kemetic deity "Ma'at" who represented justice, truth, harmony, and balance. "Ki" is the body's lifeforce energy, and most notably acclaimed in Japan where my wife Misa originates. Thus, my name equates to "Strength Through Truth."


Graduating with a B.S. in Business from Georgia Tech in 1997, I am a father of two girls, a brother to four sisters, and a mentor to hundreds of youth. I am an author, journalist, and poet of conscious thought, enlightenment, and wellness. Fine arts have always been my spiritual escape; a natural affinity for poetry manifested within when I was just 10 years old. I write to enlighten and boost the spirit of the people I am fortunate enough to commune with as we simultaneously influence one another.


As a nomadic traveler, I've spent time in many indigenous lands building with the people and their cultures. From Lalibela, Ethiopia, and Machu Picchu to Fukuoka, Japan, and Kathmandu, I've been blessed with the gift of open-mindedness, which allows me to inherit a deeper understanding of the language, the cuisines, and the lifestyles of the region visited. I also founded the family-focused non-profit Fit Fathers where we helped educate dads and their kids on the power of nutritional freedom for over a decade. Moreover, I am the face of Vegan Cyborg which is my plant-based, superhero alter-ego. I lead an extremely active life that includes running half-marathons and mountain biking in addition to hosting family workouts locally and nationally. The goal is to incorporate strength training, cardio, and yoga into daily workouts so that ultimate fitness and nutrition will continue to fuel positive health habits for family, friends, and engagers. 


I lead an extremely active and wellness-based lifestyle that includes half-marathon and mountain biking races in addition to hosting family workouts locally and nationally. The goal is to incorporate strength training, cardio, and yoga into daily workouts, so ultimate fitness and nutrition will continue to fuel positive health habits for family, friends, and engagers. Please, eat clean, stay active, meditate, and energize your life.


Together we can gain perspective on one another's stories and journeys through an exchange of ideas. I trust that you will enjoy my constellation of poetry, words of wisdom, and guidance ascertained from 25 years of global experience. 


Live the life you love, love the life you live. Keep rising people. One Love! 


Kimatni D. Rawlins, Poetic Thought



Contact Us

At any moment in time, we may cross paths internationally as I run, bike, or hike through your village, township, and parish. Hopefully, our chance and momentary encounter will release positive energy into one another’s domain and influence cultural understanding and celestial connectedness. One Love!

Kimatni D. Rawlins, Poetic Thought


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