ON NATURE & SPIRIT - The River and The Rock


The River and The Rock: A Machu Picchu Tale 

Robust, unyielding and resilient is the rock,
that lay in paths of river streams, eventually forming walls of resistance.
Rapid, swift, and bending is the forceful flow of nature’s current. 
Dipping upon, around, and throughout the creative path of marvelous boulders -
Only nomadic rhythms will deny it from being stopped. 
Who is the wiser?
Which is more dominant?
Lifeforce is created when two becomes one, 
such as heat and sun.
Once united, the mind synthesizes all-natural elements,
transitioning to the physical next,
then the spirit for nirvanic relevance. 
Thus, the stone wins against water, 
and water overpowers the rock. 
As above, so below;
for balance is your key to life.
Keep rising! 

By Kimatni D. Rawlins in Machu Picchu Pueblo alongside Vilcanota River

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